Solventaş Terminal is highly sensitive towards issues of quality, human health, work place safety and environment. It has been certified with ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 Envionmental Management Systems and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems certificates and was signatory to the “Responsible Care” document. Solventaş has also been a member of CDI-T, which has been established by multinational chemical companies, and fully supports its inspection program.
While providing our customers with bulk liquid and dry chemicals storage services according to international norms, it is our company policy to protect the health of the personnel and safeguard the environment; create quality, environment and occupational health awareness in our employees; improve our processes continuously; conform to quality management system requirements,national laws and regulations; ensure customer satisfaction and provide the financial and human resources according to our goals.
While providing our customers with bulk liquid and dry chemicals storage services according to international norms, it is our company policy to implement responsible care principles for all our stakeholders (employees, customers, public and suppliers) namely by training and making our employees aware of environmental health, worker’s health and safety; improving our processes continuously to safeguard the environment; reducing and preventing all wastes resulting from our activities; conforming to national and environmental laws and regulations and presentig our environmental performance to the public.
While providing our customers with bulk liquid and dry chemicals storage services according to international norms, it is our company policy to conform to occupational health and safety management system requirements, national laws and regulations; protect the health of the personnel, visitors and contractors; provide safe working place for all of them by controlling and reducing risk factors and improve our occupational health and safety conditions continuously.
While providing our customers with liquid and dry chemical storage services in accordance with internationally recognized standards;
• To use energy resources with the highest efficiency by increasing our energy consumption sensitivity,
• To select technologies for energy saving and to supply products and services,
• Raising the awareness of our employees and all our stakeholders on the efficient use of energy,
• Carrying out studies in accordance with legal and other requirements regarding energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption,
• To continuously improve energy management and performance and to mobilise the necessary material and human resources for this purpose,
is our energy management policy
Business Continuity Management Policy, demonstrates Solventaş's approach to Business Continuity Management.
This policy aims to ensure that processes supporting critical products and services are planned and returned to normal as specified in business impact analysis results.
Business continuity management structure, processes, policies and strategies are established and necessary measures are taken. Potential risks are assessed and activities that will prevent the realization of risks are planned. Thus, it is aimed to minimize the negative impacts of the interruptions experienced in extraordinary situations in terms of operational, financial, legal and reputational aspects.
While determining the business continuity management structure, ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System criteria are taken into consideration. The primary objective of the business continuity management structure is to ensure that the mission of our company is fulfilled in extraordinary situations. Our company plans, establishes, regularly reviews and improves business continuity plans in order to manage interruptions in emergency situations, prevent system and resource losses and reputation losses, and continue to fulfill its legal obligations.
SOLVENTAŞ executive management undertakes to provide the necessary support for the allocation of resources needed for the realization of planned activities within the scope of Business Continuity Management.
* In emergency and extraordinary situations, to provide service in compliance with minimum service level and recovery time targets.
* To have a business continuity management system in line with international business continuity standards.
* To have a business continuity management structure that is compatible with relevant regulations.
* To return to normal service level after the emergency and extraordinary situations.
* With it's business continuity management structure, the following are targeted;
Solventaş aims to ensure the security of information associated with all activities related to its services to customers and to ensure business continuity with minimum disruption. It aims to ensure the confidentiality of all information belonging to third party and to protect all kinds of physical and electronic information assets used in business processes and services in accordance with the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability criteria.
SOLVENTAŞ Management declares that it will prove its commitment to the installation, implementation, operation, monitoring, review, maintenance, and continuous improvement of the Information Security Management System (ISMS) in accordance with the ISO / IEC 27001 Standard, by performing the following actions:
* Determining the ISMS objectives and making the necessary plans for the realization of these objectives.
* To ensure the management of risk within the following framework: performing risk analysis of assets and processes, conducting risk assessments based on the results of the analysis and determine risk criteria accordingly.
* Identify the importance of meeting information security objectives and complying with information security policies; identify legal and contractual obligations and the need for continuous improvement.
* Provide adequate resources (financial, human resources, equipment, software, consultancy, education, etc) to establish, perform, operate, monitor, review, maintain and continuously improve ISMS.
* Organizing and managing the necessary operations to determine the risk acceptance criteria and acceptable risk levels.
* Announcement of innovations, changes and developments within the frame of Information Security Management System in a way to ensure awareness of all employees and stakeholders.
It is our company security policy to ensure security for stored products, terminal hardware, employees and all visitors 24 hours a day everyday; provide sufficient number of security personnel according to local legislation (5188); increase the security level and take precautions by doing risk assesments; exchange of information with security and military officers according to terminal security needs and local legislations and provide financial and human resources according to our goals.
All terminal operations and access to the terminal is under continuous control by the camera system. The terminal is connected to the crisis centre located at the Civil City Defense Headquarters by wireless communication systems on a 24 hours basis. The security system of Solventaş Terminal Port facilities is certified according to ISPS code by the Turkish Government - General Directorate of Maritime Transport.
The well developed fire fighting system is supported by the terminal automation system. The system consists of fire main, which surround the whole terminal area and the tank fields, the fixed and portable fire and foam monitors and diesel and electrical pumps. All tanks and warehouses are equipped with foam and sprinkler systems. Also, both jetties have hydraulic remote control fire fighting systems. All tanks, both separately and through pipe lines, are grounded against static electricity.
An annual training program is prepared to increase the knowledge of employees. This program covers many training subjects including those required by the local legislation such as quality, environment, fire fighting, occupational health, safety and dangerous chemicals.Training is given by professionals.