1967 - Solventaş Technical Storage Co. Inc. is established with hundred percent local capital as the first private sector bonded warehouse for the storage of chemicals.
1970 - Solventaş Terminal goes into operation with 15 tanks with a total capacity of 5,113 m3
1971 - 10 new tanks. Total capacity rises to 10,923 m3.
1973 - 9 additional tanks expand the total capacity to 14,888 m3.
1974 - 16 more tanks. Total capacity is now 23,753 m3.
1977 - 9 new tanks, total capacity is up at 33,740 m3.
1983 - 8 tanks added, increasing total capacity to 40,000 m3.
1984 - 8 new tanks, total capacity rising to 56,200 m3.
1985 - The Terminal’s old jetty is reinforced.
1988 - 8 more tanks, expanding total capacity to 67,351 m3.
1990 - A sheltered storage for dry and drummed chemicals is set up.
1992 - Renovations in the laboratory.
1993 - 25 new tanks, with total capacity up at 82,601 m3. A blending unit is established. The terminal automation era starts; Tank Gauging Servo System is applied to 16 tanks.
1994 - 11 new tanks. Total capacity now 91,081 m3. Tank Gauging Servo System at 9 more tanks. The ISO-9002 Quality Certificate is received.
1996 - 10 new tanks. Total capacity is 103,081 m3. Fully automated 2 new drumming units are set up. Tank Gauging Servo System is practiced at 16 further tanks. The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is put into practice.
1997 - 6 new tanks with total capacity expanding to 119,481 m3. Tank Gauging Servo System at 3 more tanks. Tank Gauging Radar System applied for the first time in 3 tanks. A new sheltered space of 1,580 m3 for dry and drummed chemicals. 3 separate automatic drumming units are set up concurrently. Customers are provided with the possibility of following the company’s inventories through the internet. A wholly automatic blending unit for the bunker services is set up. The Responsible Care document is signed.
1998 - 4 additional tanks, with total capacity now at 128,550 m3. A new 235 m long jetty is built. The distillation system is set up. Tank Gauging Radar System in 5 more tanks. 3 additional drumming units. Communication with 63 tanks through the main computer.
1999 - Additional 3 new tanks expanding total capacity to 175,000 m3. ISPS Code certified. Upgrading of the Terminal emergency alarm system.
2001 - Additional 7 tanks. The capacity is now 149,000 m3. Audited by and membership to CDI-T. Membership to FETSA.
2002 - Completion of the new laboratory and maintenance buildings.
2003 - Completion of the tank monitoring systems. All the tanks now communicate with the main computer.
2004 - Additional 3 new tanks expanding total capacity to 175,000 m3. ISPS Code certified. Upgrading of the Terminal emergency alarm system.
2005 - Official license received for the waste acceptance from the ships.
2006 - 6 additional tanks each having a total capacity of 700 m3. 2 different tunnels constructed under the railway for pipelines.
2007 - By the completion of the construction of 17 new inside floating roof tanks the total capacity increased to 218,880 m3. National Marker Injection System for petroleum products completed. New vapor return, floating roof and scrubber systems mounted for controlling the emissions.
2008 - The old jetty becomes fully automated and is elongated to 275 meters. By the addition of 7 new tanks the total storage capacity increased to 239,119 m3.
2009 - Fire fighting systems upgraded by the addition of two new diesel pumps. By reclaiming 7,440 m2 land on the sea, new storage area is gained. Waste water system is completely renewed.
2010 - Total storage capacity increased to 280,000 m3 by the addition of 14 new internal floating roof tanks. OHSAS 18001 certificate has been received.
2011 - In order to provide better services existing tanker loading platforms are upgraded with latest technology products and redesinged to enable loading on scales.
2015 - The construction of 8 heated and insulated tanks, 5 of them are made from stainless steel materials, 3 are inside coated, has been completed. With these tanks, total storage capacity of Solventaş increased by 5.500 cbm.
2016 - Solventaş Technical Storage Inc. has been acquired by Yılport Holding.
2017 - In order to be used for the storage of petroleum product, 13 new tanks having dedicated loading and unloading vessel line have been constructed. With these construction Solventaş total storage capacity increased approx. By 50.000 cbm and reached to 333.000 cbm.
Total quality and ultimate and unconditioned customer satisfaction is our unchangeable target.